Control Panel is on the Bullet menu. It lets you view the sequence of charts and monitor the timing of slide show and on-line presentations.
When you choose Control Panel, MORE display a dialog box with the following options:
This Chart Shows a bar chart, representing the elapsed time that the chart has displayed. The two numbers below this chart correspond to the actual Time Used and the total time Limit for the chart. (You set time limits with the Show Settings command on the Bullet menu.) When the chart has displayed longer than its allotted time, all the timing bars turn red on a color monitor or change pattern on a monochrome monitor.
Pace Displays a bar chart representing the time it will take to finish, according to the schedule that you created with Show Settings. Mid-point on this bar is about half way through your presentation.
Time Used This bar chart represents the time elapsed for the entire presentation. The two numbers below this chart correspond to the Time Used and the total time Limit for the presentation.
First Displays the first chart in the series, or press Home, cmd-Up Arrow, or cmd-Left Arrow.
Last Displays the last chart in the series, or press End, cmd-Down Arrow, or cmd-Right Arrow.
Prev Displays the previous chart or press Left Arrow or Up Arrow.
Next Displays the next slide, or press Right Arrow or Down Arrow.
Go To Displays a dialog for typing in the number of the slide that you want to display.
Find Displays the Quick Find dialog box so you can find and display a chart by specifying a text pattern.